He’s 130, with three eyes and two girlfriends: meet New Zealand’s beloved tuatara Henry

The unique reptile endemic to New Zealand is the sole survivor of an ancient species that once walked the earth with dinosaurs

About 130 years ago – as New Zealand women celebrated their world-first right to vote, athletes competed in the first international Olympic Games, and the first motion pictures were flickering into view – a tiny mottled green reptile with a spiny back was hatching on a small New Zealand island.

The baby tuatara – a unique and rare reptile endemic to New Zealand – emerged from his burrow into the forest floor, where he miraculously evaded birds, rats and cannibalistic adult tuatara to reach his full adult size – nearly one kilo in weight and half a metre in length – by the time he was 35.

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from The Guardian https://ift.tt/Mns3AHD

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