John Oliver on Tories: their ‘unremitting cruelty has stained the last decade and a half of British life’

Last Week Tonight host looks into surprise UK general election and last 14 years of Conservative rule in Britain

John Oliver looked homeward on his latest Last Week Tonight, as Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a surprise general election for next month. (The prime minister can call an election whenever they want, as long as there is one every five years. “Like many things, the way Britain operates is kinda like the US but whimsically worse,” Oliver explained.)

Sunak’s party, the Conservatives, or Tories, are currently “wildly unpopular” in the UK after getting trounced in local elections this year. “To put it mildly, the Tories are in trouble, which is a remarkable downfall for a party that’s been in power for the last 14 straight years,” said Oliver. “This could be a massive couple of weeks for the UK.”

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from The Guardian

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