Nuclear Armageddon: How Close Are We? review – TV that leaves you asking ‘Is that it?’

This documentary about the possibility of the apocalypse is bizarrely, frustratingly vague. Yes, things are bad – but exactly how bad? It’s about as useful as doomscrolling scary headlines

Rare it is that one gets the chance to say this, but I think I have proof that I have grown as a person. From the age of seven until I was 10, I was gripped by the fear of nuclear war. My parents had to sit up with me at night as I gibbered and cried. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get home in time if the four-minute warning went off while I was at school; my mother had to promise me that there would be enough warning signs of an impending apocalypse to enable her to keep me off for days beforehand so we could die together.

Now, 4o years on, look at me! Reviewing a documentary called Nuclear Armageddon: How Close Are We?, presented by the veteran reporter Jane Corbin with nary a flicker of anxiety. Indeed, these days I find myself leaning in the opposite direction. Would a global razing be the worst thing? It might offer a quick end to what has been a fairly dismal human experiment and avoid us descending slowly, one non-atomic conflict at a time, into hell.

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from The Guardian

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