Should I confront my toxic friend about her bad behaviour? It’ll cause discomfort within the group | Leading questions

Confrontation comes at a social cost, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. You need to figure out if paying that cost will be a fair deal

I’ve been “friends” with a person since secondary school (nearly 30 years). We have had short phases where we’ve been pretty close but also times where we really just don’t see eye to eye or have anything in common. The past couple of years I believe her behaviour has become particularly toxic and I’ve been trying to keep my distance from her. Unfortunately though our paths do cross from time to time due to a particular social circle and also a couple of shared WhatsApp groups.

I believe she’s a narcissist and feel like I’m walking on eggshells whenever I’m in her company. She also tries to belittle me often both in real and virtual company. I therefore find her company difficult and uncomfortable. We share some old friends and they seem to tolerate and accept her behaviour as just “her”.

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from The Guardian

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